Muggswigz strives to be a great local business citizen. We recognize there are many causes worthy of support, but by focusing our resources in a few areas we feel our impact is greater. Since 2003, the majority of Muggswigz giving has been directed toward local elementary and high school education, specifically in the natural sciences. Please use out donation request form for all donation requests. Muggswigz will try to respond to your contribution request if we can identify with the effort or the cause. We ask our selves these questions:
A. Is your organization or event clearly nonprofit or charitable?
B. Is your request coming from an organization that will improve local elementary, or high school education, specifically in the natural sciences?
C. Do we have the budget to satisfy your request?
Thank you for filling out this request form. It helps us greatly with our decision-making and record-keeping. We appreciate your time in assisting us to make effective decisions toward the betterment of our community.
1. Name of the organization seeking the donation:
Is it a 501(c)3?
What is the tax-payer ID of the organization ?
2. What is your organization’s mission? Please submit mission statement, most recent correspondence to stakeholders, and/or organization’s Web site address:
3. Has it received a donation from Mugswigz in the past? yes no
4. Your relationship to the organization:
5. Organization’s Executive Director:
6. Organization’s Board President: .
7. The name and type of event at which the donation will be used:
8. The event’s goal:
9. What will the donation be used for?
10. The exact donation you are seeking:
11. If requesting refreshments, how many people do you wish to serve with the Muggswigz contribution? .
12. What is the recognition to donors :
We will provide specific information as to where donated product will be available for pick-up.
1. Date needed:
2. Time needed:
3. Who will it pick it up?
4. Person’s work/home phones:
Please mail this form to 137 Walnut Ave NE, Canton, OH, 44702 or email to our social response coordinator at socialresponse at muggswigz dot com. Please understand that the more lead time we are given to consider your request, the greater the chance that we can find some way to help you.We strive to acknowledge your request within five business days of receiving this completed form, and will do our best to have an answer for you within two weeks. If you haven't heard back from us within this time frame, this form may have been lost, so contact us.