1# Roasted
With its relatively close proximity to Ethiopia, and its shared border with Kenya, some of Tanzania’s population has had a long history and culture relationship with coffee, namely the Haya people, for whom the plant was not used so much as a beverage as a chewed fruit. Coffee (probably Robusta) was grown for this domestic purpose until German colonists essentially mandated that farmers grow Arabica coffee as a cash crop, spreading the plants’ reach within the country and developing the industry around Mount Kilimanjaro.
Germany lost control of the colony to the British after the First World War, and the British attempted to develop a more efficient and profitable coffee industry along the lines of Kenya’s. Cooperatives of smallholder farmers started to organize in the 1920s to try to improve market access, but it was many years before Tanzanian coffees really caught on internationally.
In 1964, after both countries achieved independence from Britain, Tanganyika and Zanzibar were combined to establish the Republic of Tanzania—hence the country’s name, Tan/Zania. Growers attempted aggressive growth in the 1970s but had difficulty increasing production. The 1990s saw efforts to reform and privatize coffee exports, allowing growers to sell more directly. Today, in most of the Western world, Tanzanian coffees are famous primarily as separated-out peaberry lots.
Peaberries are a kind of coffee seed that forms individually inside a cherry, as opposed to when the fruit typically develops two "flat" beans, which are larger and sit together like peanuts in a shell. The smaller, denser peaberries are thought to have a higher potency of flavor.
Tanzania Peaberry Uru North
Rubarb, Toffee, Orange
The Uru North AMCOS is located in Tanzania's Kilimanjaro region and was founded in 1999. In this region, producers harvest and process coffees on their farms using small hand pulpers. During the harvest season, only ripe cherries are selected for sorting and processing. They are promptly depulped and soaked in clean water for an average of 72 hours before being washed and placed on raised beds for an average of 9-12 days. Once the coffee is fully dried, it is stored in bags inside until it
is delivered to the Uru North warehouse where it is cupped and blended into appropriate lots
Country Tanzania
Region Kilimanjaro
Farm Smallholder members
Variety Bourbon, Kent
Proc. Method Washed
Altitude 1219 masl