It is possible. For example, a cup of coffee from coffee trees in a eucalyptus-ridden area of Sidamo Ethiopia may have a eucalyptus aroma. So, how does this happen? I dunno. But, with my so-so credentials of a molecular genetics degree and subsequent lab work, the following is the best hypothesis I have come up with. Aromatic compounds are continuously being emitted by plants. Walk through a patch of mint, stand in a breezy orchard, or just go outside somewhere you see lots of green and you'll smell it. So aromatic (and non-aromatic) compounds are in the air, but how would they get into the coffee beans? Well, leafy plants actually do a lot of "breathing" through their stomata (little portholes for air in the leaves). Plants need a lot of carbon dioxide for all that photosynthesis, and with the air comes those aromatics. Once the aromatics come through the stomata, they have access to the parenchyma! The loose packing of the parenchyma cells in leaves provide an interconnecting system of air spaces, and since gases diffuse through air several thousand times faster then through water, those aromatics zoom throughout the plant. Then, since the plant cells have aromatics in and around them, and the seeds (coffee beans) are made from those cells, the seeds would contain the aromatics also. So now we have green (unroasted) coffee with these eucalyptus, peach, mint, or whatever aromatics were around the plant when the seed was being formed. The problem now is that these beans are going to be subjected to temperatures in the hundreds of degrees during roasting. So the question becomes, can the aromatics take the heat? Undoubtedly, some cannot, but, undoubtedly some can! Because if no enzymatic (fruity, herby, flowery) flavored compound could survive roasting, then none could ever be detected in roasted coffee! (and they are all the time, as long as the coffee is fresh) So that's the hypothesis, when I'm feeling extra ambitious I'll do some research and plug in some numbers to see how perceptible of an effect this pathway could have.