The autodrip coffee maker is the most popular type of coffee maker in the US. Some autodrip makers can make a great cup, some simply cannot. A big item to look for is that the coffee maker brews at the correct temperature, which is 195-205 degrees Fahrenheit. There are many brewers that don't brew within this range. The ones that I know do are Bunn, Technivorm, and Zojirushi. There are probably others that brew at the right temp to which I'm just not privy. Another item to look for is the water is evenly distributed amongst the coffee grounds so that you get even and full saturation. Cone-style filters help with this, as do a good shower head on the tube passing water over the grounds. A third item to look for is a hot plate under the coffee carafe, because if it has a hot plate you don't want the machine. Reheating coffee is bad, keeping coffee hot is good, so look for a maker that brews into a vacuumed double-walled carafe, an interior of glass is a little better for the coffee, an interior of stainless steel is a lot more durable.

   Further points I'd like to make is that one, its best to grind immediately before you brew, so unless you have a separate grinder, look for a machine with one built in, two, to let through a lot more of the coffees delicious aromatic oils its best to use a reusable gold plated filter instead of paper filters, three, keep your coffee maker clean (a good product for this in on our online store) and four, don't forget to match your kitchen decor. you can view brewers that meet our standards at our online store