Zero Waste Initiative
As a company, we have put our efforts in making our guests happy with professional and skillful service, specialty coffee drinks, and baked goods and syrups made from scratch with natural ingredients. We have also included the earth in our aim to please. Last year we launched our 'Zero Waste Initiative' on Earth Day 2020, where we donated all of our sales towards our effort to go green. We aim to be economically aware of our impact on the Earth and strive to reduce our waste as we run our business. This past year, we made more strides in that direction. We began using uncooked linguine noodles in place of wooden stirrers for guest use. We also have long metal spoons available for stirrers with accompanying 'clean' and 'used' containers to place the spoons so as not to contaminate the utensils. We purchased large pails for our baked goods that are not past their best by dates as opposed to throwing them in the trash. We are composting our spent/used coffee grounds and using them in our Wildflower Garden across the street from our Downtown Canton location, creating a lovely green space in Canton. We have increased our use of tongs instead of wax paper and disposable gloves when serving baked goods. When available we have continued to recycle our milk jugs , plastics, and cardboard materials.